$5.00 USD

Every month

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Chat-THD - Monthly Subscription


Sign up for Chat-THD now

Why should you sign up?

Diving accidents, incidents, near-misses and successful outcomes all have some level of involvement of human factors, non-technical skills, and psychological safety.

Chat-THD helps explain these concepts and provides accurate information for you, now, in an accessible manner, so that you can apply them to your diving, your instruction (and very likely, your day job too!)

  • Continued Education and Spaced Repetition. Chat-THD helps with the continued reinforcement or spaced learning because it is an accessible tool where the students can ask conversational-type questions, and get conversational answers which are based on the sciences of human factors and system safety. This dialogic approach means multiple avenues can be explored.

  • Developing training materials for instructor, dive centres and training agencies. Chat-THD can be provided with questions focused on specific scenarios or explain concepts or tools in a practical manner that divers and diving instructors can relate to. It can do this because it has been trained using hundreds of different pieces of content, some theoretical, but mainly practical, using the power of storytelling to bring the theory to life.

  • Marketing or education content for social media. Chat-THD will not be able to write specific articles for you, but you can pose a question like “How do deal with an instructor who won’t listen to me?” or “How do work with a dive instructor who just called me'stupid’ for something that I didn’t know was the ‘wrong’ thing to do?”.

  • Explaining key or critical concepts. Chat-THD has been taught using reference materials from the science of human factors and safety science, so the definition of terms will be consistent with good practice from high-risk industries like aviation, healthcare, oil and gas, and the nuclear sector.


Chat-THD helps accelerate your learning about human factors in diving, leading to improved safety and enjoyment, and reducing the likelihood you'll say "I wish I hadn't done that..."


The subscription happens each month on the same date of sign up. You can cancel at any time by getting in touch, and we'll cancel your payments immediately.