Explore and learn how it made sense for someone to do what they did
The key learning objective of these courses is to provide you with the skills to undertake an 'investigation' that is based on learning and not blaming. i.e., helping to understanding 'local rationality'. Even if there have been non-compliances present, they provide opportunities for learning. Investigations of complex operations, of which diving is just one, should use 'Human Error' as a starting point, not an end result.
Adverse events are often repeated within teams and organisations because the real lessons are not identified or learned. This course changes that and brings another new paradigm into the sports diving domain. The tools are also applicable in other domains too!
The programme takes the form of a blended learning programme with online standalone and pre-learning to deliver core theory and then uses either Zoom or face-to-face sessions to examine events in a collaborative and interactive approach to generate understanding and curiosity in you.
This approach is similar to the Level 0: Essentials class which is pre-learning for the Level 2-1 and Level 2-2 face-to-face courses.

The Learning from Unintended Outcomes Course is something the diving industry really needs if safety and performance are to be improved. Currently, there is no structured or consistent way to look at adverse events in diving. None of the incident reporting systems looks at the role of Human Factors, Psychological Safety or Error-Producing Conditions. Rather they focus on proximal causes like non-compliance, 'human error', violations or 'recklessness'.
This course is for those who are involved in supervisory or leadership positions within diving agencies, dive centres, universities or those who really want to learn more about how adverse events occur.
The Learning From Unintended Outcomes course has four key learning objectives that are listed below. These are further broken down into objectives for the pre-learning element and face-to-face/webinar series.
- Learning Objective 1. Compare and contrast traditional approaches to incident investigation and explain the advantages of taking human factors and systems view which proactively identifies & corrects error producing conditions and situations.
- Learning Objective 2. Describe and implement the critical factors required to deliver the Learning From Unintended Outcome review process.
- Learning Objective 3. Demonstrate and execute the Learning From Unintended Outcome Review process, tools and techniques and apply them to the various types of investigations.
- Learning Objective 4. Proactively manage (or influence) the changes needed for leadership and organisational behaviours to implement the revised incident management process.


Face-to-Face Interaction/
Live Interactive Webinars
This course is available in two forms. Both involve some pre-learning to ensure the core theory is understood before the interactive sessions occur.
The two-day face-to-face workshop provides practical exercises, case studies and developing an understanding of how an event occurred by examining local rationality and using relationship-based models to help create understanding.
The 5 x 3.5 hr webinar session content is the same as the workshop but arranged over 5 sessions which allow the learning to be consolidated and not get Zoom-frazzled.

Applied Learning
Both workshops will give you plenty of practical skills and knowledge to develop an understanding of how an adverse event could have developed.
It is not about root causes (they don't exist!) but rather the emergence of factors and the presence of error-producing conditions, and how they interact.
You will be given the basic skills to make sense of an adverse event using a learning perspective, not a blaming one, working to understand what 'normal' looks like.
You won't be given a silver bullet to solve problems, but you will be given insight into how to understand local rationality to help prevent future adverse events.

Consolidated Learning
There is no way you can learn and remember everything during these two days or 5 x 3.5 hrs sessions. Therefore, each of the online sessions will be recorded and made available to the course participants. (Private information will be removed from the recordings).
After the class, there will also be regular emails every two weeks out to three months reminding you of some of the aspects of the class.
Course materials and reference papers will be made available in the back end of The Human Diver website.

Gareth founded The Human Diver in January 2016 when he recognised that there was a gap in knowledge within the diving community when it came to human factors, non-technical skills and the need for a Just Culture. You can see a detailed background here
He has led two reviews into military diving fatalities, one for UK MOD and one overseas with a close military ally, along with examining numerous case studies to help understand the key question 'how did it make sense'. In the global safety domain, he is recognised as someone at the leading edge of ideas of how to improve operational safety by understanding 'Work as Done' as it compares to 'Work as Imagined'.
He is currently undertaking an MSc in HF and System Safety at Lund University looking at 'Second Stories' and whether they contribute to learning.