Diving Talks - The Human Diver

Helping the industry apply human factors to sports, military, scientific and media diving, leading to fewer errors and greater safety

Workshop #1:
Human and Organisational Performance

The big picture! Human error. Blame. Impact of context. Leadership and how their response matters. Learning to make improvements. Start a learning journey to make a big difference by viewing things differently.

Workshop #2:
Human Factors and Non-Technical Skills

Making practical differences! How to develop high-performing teams by learning the tools and techniques from aviation to reduce the likelihood of errors in diving, leading to safer outcomes and reduced risk.

What are the workshops about?

A brief summary of each workshop is below

The human and organisational performance aspects of diving safety. This 3.5-hour hands-on workshop will bring the five principles described in this blog to life and show how they can be applied to diving, be that at a diver level, or an agency or equipment manufacturer level to understand how success is achieved in a complex environment and why ‘obvious’ errors still happen. Numbers are limited to approximately 20 people

An introduction to the human factors/non-technical skills course that The Human Diver delivers. This focuses on behaviours and skills that reduce error and help create high-performance teams using a computer-based simulation and is a sample of the two-day courses we run. Numbers are limited to 16 people. You will gain an insight into the training programmes from The Human Diver and have immediate takeaways that you can use in your own diving and business operations to improve safety and team performance.

What are the workshops about?

A brief summary of each workshop is below

The human and organisational performance aspects of diving safety. This 3.5-hour hands-on workshop will bring the five principles described in this blog published last weekend to life and show how they can be applied to diving, be that at a diver level, or an agency or equipment manufacturer level to understand how success is achieved in a complex environment and why ‘obvious’ errors still happen. Numbers are limited to approximately 20 people

An introduction to the human factors/non-technical skills course that The Human Diver delivers. This focuses on behaviours and skills that reduce error and help create high-performance teams using a computer-based simulation and is a sample of the two-day courses we run. Numbers are limited to 16 people. You will gain an insight into the training programmes from The Human Diver and have immediate takeaways that you can use in your own diving and business operations to improve safety and team performance.

6 October

Human and Organisational Performance

Spaces left: 6 from 20 remaining

6 October

HF and Non-Technical Skills

Spaces left: 10 from 16

What people say about The Human Diver education programmes

Paul Toomer, Dive RAID

The course embraces a culture of discovery rather than blame...this course has opened my eyes even further. Essentials is valid for every diver, no matter whether that be an Open water Diver or a Trimix Rebreather Cave Instructor Trainer. Since completing the course, our agency has fully endorsed this program to all our divers, professionals and dive centres.

Jean-Christophe Vanier

This course is of high value to individuals aiming at completing technical diving training. This will emphasis key factors to increase awareness on accident-related topics and will definitely put you on the path to becoming a better thinking diver.

Andreas Kutsch

That class was by far the best i have taken in a while. Brings you a bit back down to earth and let´s you start thinking about your behaviour during diving and classes. Recommend this for any diver, no matter if an Instructor or diver.

Daniel Martinez-Escobar 

It will shake the way you think about diving safety, where human behaviours are more complex than just "near calls" or "dumb divers"

Jason Cook, GUE Instructor

The two day in-person training provided an opportunity for a disparate group of divers to form a team and take on challenging tasks while receiving feedback in real-time...I found this training to be among the most excellent I've partaken in...I would recommend this training not only to divers, but to anyone in possession of a brain who would like to work effectively with other people!

Lisa Frew, RAID Instructor

An eye-opening course, highlighting just how easy it is to get stuck in a rut and doing the same things. The importance of the dive community as a whole shifting its mindset to a more inclusive, open-minded, non-judgemental, non-assuming culture to improve safety for all.

Enrique Via-Reque, SDI Instructor

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it because it's true. This course not only changed my perspectives in diving but on life in general. Its applications go well beyond diving but when highlighted in that field will make you a smarter, safer overall better Diver... best course I've taken in diving as well as personal improvement ...

Mauritius Bell, DSO CAoS

The fact that a seasoned full-time occupational dive safety team responsible for a dive program involving incredibly challenging, complex, and diverse operations gleaned as many insights as we did, I can only imagine the benefit to those who engage in non-working or recreational (including technical divers) diving. This program should be incorporated into all levels of diving instruction--from open water to technical examiner/course director.

In-water images Copyright Marcus Blatchford