While the some learning happens during the intense-simulation exercises, the real learning happens in the debrief where teams have to focus on specifics for development using a validated framework. There is no hiding and psychological safety is created to ensure critical learning is achieved including identifying goals.
"If you think your team is high performing, take the micro-class and find out how much you don't know you don't know. If you want to _make your team_ higher functioning, achieve more, have more fun, take the two-day class. A must for instructors, team divers and leaders of diving projects."
"Over my last class I implemented the use of the checklist on all diving days having the buddy read and confirm to the diver checking their CCR ending in both members signing of on their unit checks, it worked very well and spotted numerous errors, the debrief method we used in class also worked a treat"
These courses do not focus on the technical aspects of diving but rather decision making, situational awareness, communications and cooperation skills, and crucially, their interdependence.
Research indicates that diving incidents are rarely down to undetected technical issues rather they are impacted by the variability of human performance. i.e. we make mistakes, errors and break the rules!
Divers spend plenty of money on the 'shiny' stuff but how often do you consider improving the grey matter between your ears? That grey matter has far more impact on your safety than the latest gadget...
"Is the micro-class worth doing? Absolutely. Regardless of agency, current skill set or certification, this course will increase your overall awareness of awareness, stress management and leadership resulting in a more effective individual and team performance, both in diving, and in ‘the real world. "
"This programme really focuses on the foundational reasons/factors contributing to enhanced safety/accidents. It really puts the spotlight on what we need to look at to improve safety. Highly recommended for all divers, but especially high risk and leadership divers."
"The class and subject are imperative for dive teams, organisations and individuals to progress in a quantum step. Each diver knows the mental attributes of the discipline is of paramount importance. Gareth has given the discipline a path to success in these avenues."
"This micro-class will provoke more thoughts about awareness, team building skills, peer pressure, stress, how to be a good leader and follower, task loading, and taking steps to becoming safer. It doesn't matter the agency you've learned from or the level of diver you are. This is something that everyone can learn from and evaluate themselves and what they can do differently."