Open Webinars

This page will host links to open webinars which will cover specific case studies which have been examined using a human factors framework, there will be interviews with people from all over the globe looking at their work in diving and how knowledge and practice of human factors has made things easier, better and more effective and also ad hoc theory sessions covering anything topical regarding human factors in diving

To be notified of forthcoming webinars

Forthcoming Webinars

In-depth Analysis of a Diving Incident/Accident

Accidents and incidents are the combination of unexpected or apparently irrelevant factors combining in a manner we weren't expecting. By using incident analysis techniques and concepts from high-risk industries, Gareth will identify the pre-cursors or antecedents and not just the outcomes. Outcomes are of little use when it comes to preventing future accidents. This webinar will highlight the techniques and skills which divers can use to improve their own performance and diving safety and is not to be missed.