RF4.0 - Human Factors in Diving

Linked Resources

All the resources linked within the presentation about Human Factors in Rebreather Diving

Presentation Slide Deck

Safety is an Emergent Property...


What is Human Factors?

Moray, 2000

Shorrock, 2017

Tensions within a System...

Cook and Rasmussen, 2005

Systems-based accident analysis methods: A comparison of Accimap, HFACS, and STAMP

Salmon et al., 2012. 

If Only... Field Guide



Outcomes are a function of...

Casali, Lock & Cullen. 2019


Adaptations and Workarounds

When problem solving prevents organisational learning

Managing risk in hazardous conditions: improvisation is not enough

Building Essentials into your Training Programmes

During the presentation, I said that a number of instructors and organisations had provided the Essentials class as part of their programmes. If you are interested in doing this, it doesn't cost much and you will have a better-informed student.

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