SH48: Lost in Translation: Unravelling Misunderstandings, Assumptions and Communication breakdowns

In this podcast episode, Jenny shares a humorous yet insightful experience from assessing an instructor course, highlighting the common issue of miscommunication. The example involves a diver misinterpreting hand signals during a training exercise, leading to an unexpected outcome. She explores the challenge of ensuring clear communication, emphasizing the responsibility of the communicator to provide sufficient information. The episode introduces the concept of closed loop communications as a way to check assumptions and ensure understanding, especially in underwater scenarios where verbal communication is limited. Cultural behavior and the importance of avoiding condescension in communication are also discussed. Jenny acknowledges the inevitability of miscommunication due to our natural inclination to be efficient and make assumptions, concluding with a humorous reference to the challenges of explaining every detail, especially for those with young children. The show notes include a link to a video that further explains the efficiency aspect of communication.

Original blog:



Video about explaining every step of a process:



 English, Communication, Jenny Lord