SH53: Hot, hot, hot- Challenges of diving in the heat

In this podcast episode, we explore the often-overlooked impact of weather, particularly heat, on divers' cognitive and physical abilities. Despite the common perception that warm temperatures are ideal for vacations, studies reveal significant cognitive impairment in individuals exposed to heat, especially without air conditioning. From decreased reaction times to impaired decision-making and mental flexibility, the effects of heat on divers, particularly those new to hot climates, pose considerable risks. Additionally, physical conditions like dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke can be life-threatening if not addressed promptly, underscoring the importance of staying hydrated and seeking shade. With many divers visiting hot destinations for short holidays, acclimatization becomes crucial for safe diving, highlighting the need for a balanced approach to temperature regulation and self-care to mitigate the cumulative effects of heat on diving performance.

Original blog:


Harvard study:

Study by Cheema and Patrick:


 English, Decision Making, Jenny Lord, Performance Shaping Factors