SH55: Navigating the Authority Gradient #1

In this episode, we delve into the complexities of authority gradient, illustrated by a personal anecdote highlighting the challenges of challenging authority in diving contexts. Despite efforts to foster psychological safety, the innate hierarchical structure often inhibits individuals from voicing concerns. We explore strategies to mitigate this gradient, emphasizing the importance of building psychological safety through genuine acceptance of mistakes and open communication. Additionally, we discuss practical approaches such as leaders actively engaging in tasks alongside their team and promoting continuous skill development to empower individuals to question norms. While these methods may not be foolproof, they offer avenues to cultivate a culture of mutual respect and accountability within dive teams. For further insights, we recommend exploring the provided series of articles on building psychological safety in teams.

Original blog:


DEBrIEF model:

How to build psychological safety in a team:


English, Authority Gradient, Jenny Lord, Psychological Safety