SH56: Navigating the Authority Gradient #2

In this episode, we explore strategies for individuals to navigate authority gradients and foster open communication within teams, focusing on the PACE model for graded assertiveness communication. Drawing parallels from medical and diving contexts, we highlight the importance of gentle escalation when addressing concerns with higher-ranking individuals. Through probing, alerting, challenging, and, if necessary, declaring emergencies, team members can effectively communicate issues while maintaining respect and professionalism. We discuss real-life scenarios and acknowledge cultural biases that may hinder effective communication, emphasizing the need for awareness and proactive efforts to mitigate these challenges. While there's no quick fix, fostering psychological safety and utilizing communication tools like PACE can facilitate constructive dialogue and enhance team dynamics. Join the conversation in our Facebook group to share your insights and experiences on this topic.

Original blog:


Part One:

Facebook group:


 English, Authority Gradient, Jenny Lord, Psychological Safety