SH71: The Five Hazardous Attitudes

In this podcast episode, we draw parallels between aviation and diving safety, emphasizing the importance of human factors and non-technical skills in preventing accidents. Reflecting on a tragic airplane crash, we explore hazardous attitudes commonly seen in both industries and propose antidotes to mitigate their risks. From anti-authority to resignation, these attitudes can lead to complacency and unsafe practices, impacting instructors and divers alike. Through real-life examples and insights, we underscore the need for awareness and positive attitudes in diving instruction, aiming to foster a culture of safety and responsibility within the diving community.


Original blog:


National Transportation Safety Board, Aviation Investigation Preliminary Report

CAA tutorial about Airmanship:

FAA info about Airmanship:

EASA info about Aeronautical Decision Making:

More about this from a flight instructors perspective:


English, Communication, Human Performance, Incident Analysis, Jenny Lord, Leadership