SH97: Survival instinct: Reaction to stress

In this episode, we explore how divers can manage extreme stress in life-threatening situations. While technical skills and knowledge are vital, the ability to stay calm and focused under pressure is crucial. We discuss strategies like controlled breathing, tactical thinking, and continuous training to enhance mental resilience. Techniques such as stress inoculation training and mindfulness can help divers maintain composure and make sound decisions when it matters most. This holistic approach to readiness goes beyond survival, ensuring divers can perform effectively even in chaotic conditions.


Original blog:

Links: Reducing biological stress

Breathing allowing us to focus

Tactical breathing vs prolonged exhalation

Other references:

  1. Dillard CC, Martaindale H, Hunter SD, McAllister MJ. “Slow Breathing Reduces Biomarkers of Stress in Response to a Virtual Reality Active Shooter Training Drill.” Healthcare. 2023; 11(16):2351.
  2. Driskell, J. E., Johnston, J. H., & Salas, E. “Does Stress Training Generalize to Novel Settings?” Human Factors. 1999; 41(1), 99-110.
  3. Driskell, J. E., & Salas, E. “Stress and Human Performance.” 1996. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  4. Jha, A.P., Stanley, E.A., & Baime, M.J. “The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation in Improving Performance in High-Stress Situations.” Mindfulness. 2010; 1(2), 95-103.
  5. Laborde, S., Allen, M.S., Borges, U., Hosang, T.J., Furley, P., Mosley, E., & Dosseville, F. “The Influence of Slow-Paced Breathing on Executive Function.” Journal of Psychophysiology. 2021; 36(1).
  6. Röttger, S., Theobald, D.A., Abendroth, J. et al. “The Effectiveness of Combat Tactical Breathing as Compared with Prolonged Exhalation.” Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2021; 46, 19–28.

Tags:  English, Andrzej GĂłrnicki, Diving Psychology, Non-Technical Skills, Performance Shaping Factors, Stress