SH21: A 'Just' Culture or a 'Just Do It' Culture?

This podcast episode delves into the concept of a "Just Culture" in the context of diving, addressing potential confusion within the diving community. A 'Just Culture' revolves around fostering an environment of trust where individuals are encouraged to share safety-related information without fear of retribution, while also defining the boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. However, this culture can be challenging to implement effectively, as it requires post-event determinations of what's acceptable, often influenced by various biases and societal pressures. The episode explores the need to differentiate a 'Just Culture' from a 'Just Do It' culture, emphasizing the importance of sharing context-rich stories to facilitate learning from near-misses, incidents, and accidents. In the world of adventure sports like diving, where inherent risks persist, understanding cognitive biases and promoting a culture of open storytelling is crucial. The episode also touches upon the hurdles of intentionally creating cultural change within sub-communities and highlights key steps to develop a 'Just Culture' to support learning from mistakes. In essence, this discussion sheds light on the significance of learning from others' experiences to enhance safety in diving.


Original blog:



Messy World of Diving presentation:

Safety Clutter paper:

A System Safety perspective of Gross Negligence:

Normalisation of Devience blog:

Donā€™t Just Focus on the Errors blog:

Bad apples or bad day blog:

Risk or uncertainty blog:

How to develop a Just Culture in healthcare study:

HF for Dummies Just Culture blog:

Is a Just Culture needed blog:



- English, Gareth Lock, Just Culture