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Single Diver Fatality in Cenote Nariz, 3 February 2024. CREER Report

This blog is a reproduction of a cave fatality report produced by the CREER Line and Safety Committee in Mexico earlier in 2024. While it is cave-focused, there are (as always) lessons that can be taken from one domain to another. I provided some input on the HF aspects relating to this event, an...

Summary of RF4 Paper: Human Factors in Rebreather Diving

Between 20 and 22 April 2023, hundreds of rebreather divers, scientists, military divers, commercial divers, and rebreather manufacturers attended Rebreather Forum 4. The videos from the conference were made available last year, and through tireless work, Dr Neal Pollock has completed the editori...

Language Matters: An HF Approach to Reviewing an ‘Accident Analysis’

I have been asked a number of times to comment on a 'hypothetical' event published on the RAID website on 7 August 2024 as a learning opportunity. However, it appears that the story wasn’t hypothetical, and the person involved wasn’t directly consulted about what happened. The event had a ‘bad’ o...

Standards- why do we have them and what can we do if someone breaks them?

Living and working in a very active diving area, I frequently hear people talking about courses they’re doing and what they’ve had to do to achieve certification. Sadly, based on not only that but also what I see in the water, it appears that standards often aren’t followed. As an outsider observ...

What Chat-THD can do for you

I recently put together some example materials for many of the training agencies to show the practical aspects of building teamwork into instructor activities, this included an output from the Chat-THD tool. The content of this blog was produced using the Chat-THD tool that is available to all L...

Practical Guide to Applying Teamwork in Diver Training

The Human Diver team often gets asked what practical tools and techniques associated with human factors can be applied to our diving and our diving instruction to make a difference. What is it we are missing?  The following blog is based on a guide provided to all of the training agencies showin...

Diving accidents: the want to know what happened and why

Yesterday there was a diving fatality in Norway. I am not going to mention the name, as it isn’t public yet. When I found out about this event, my mind immediately started to think about who was involved, what might have happened, things that could or should have been done to prevent it (even tho...

The road to excellence: Systems and structure form the foundation of a culture of improvement

 In English, there is a saying "culture eats strategy for breakfast," which means that no matter how strong our strategy is, we will not succeed if the organizational culture is weak. Creating appropriate systems and structure will allow us to consume the wrong culture and perhaps replace it with...

Why is it so hard to admit to our mistakes?

I made an error on a dive the other day. That by itself isn’t unusual, we all frequently make mistakes, the majority of them will be very minor and we’ll correct them fairly quickly. This one, however, was different. This error was a violation- I knew I was doing something wrong but went ahead an...

5 Common Misconseptions about Human Factors

There are a lot of misconceptions about Human Factors and in this blog I’d like to try and clear some of them up. Most of the misconceptions seem to happen because of misunderstanding of the ideas and concepts, some are a lack of knowledge and some are simplifications. "Human Factors is just com...